Thoughts, ideas, strategies and all the latest news from the web design and digital marketing world

6 Steps to Improved Google Ads Performance

At Milan Web Development we love developing effective online marketing strategies that help our customers reach the right audience and boost their sales. Our most effective tool for online advertising continues to be the Google Ads platform. The amount of data...

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New E-commerce Funding Available From SBBC

New E-commerce Funding Available From SBBC

After the success of the BC Governments Launch Online Program, which was launched in early 2021 to help businesses establish an online presence during the height of the pandemic, the non-profit group Small Business BC has recently announced a similar funding offer for...

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How About A Little Privacy

After a number of high profile data breaches occurring in 2017 (the Equifax data breach and Facebook Ads vulnerabilities were probably most well known to Canadians), the European Union put the finishing touches on it's robust data protection framework, the General...

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Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!

With Christmas just around the corner, and the inevitable frenzy of last minute preparations for the holiday season, we’d just like to take a minute to wish all of you a Merry Christmas and a joyous holiday season. Looking back on this past year, and what is the final...

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Productivity and collaboration tools for business professionals.

Keep an eye on this section for the latest productivity tools and web add-ons to help boost your businesses online presence and overall production.

Milan Web Development

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